Monday, March 31, 2008

My First Composting Efforts

I've half-heartedly considered composting for a while, but the idea comes on strong when I have a babyfood making day. I generally make Marlee's food in huge batches for freezing, and I end up with a huge batch of produce scraps as well. For one reason or another, I haven't composted before. I made some new entrees for the babe yesterday and realized that it was probably my last batch...and the last time I would have a heap of carrot peels, leak stalks, potato skins, and cauliflower "trunks" begging me not to put them down the disposal. So I gathered them up, now what?

After a bit of research, I've decided that the easiest way for me to start is to turn an old trashcan into a compost barrel. I'm going to drill some holes in it for air and fill it with leaves from my yard and the produce scraps from yesterday.

This whole thing is totally foreign to me, so I'm hoping to teach as I learn...are you all along for the ride?


Muffin Cake said...

Our city has a composting bin. Have you checked into it to see if yours does as well? We have been lazy about composting thus far, but I think this post may have just inspired me to get started. Thanks!

(btw, love your blog!)

Keri Ronk said...

I did the same thing! I drilled a bunch of holes into a garbage can too! Just make sure that you keep it fairly moist! I started mine about three weeks ago and the leaves are already starting to break down. I just use a forked turner to turn it all every few days too! Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

ditto on the city thing. ours offers them for $5 and i need to look into getting one. although i won't have good yard scraps, only food. i think that messes it up.

CandiceM said...

I've wanted to start a compost as well... we have a small garden and I do not want to use 'miracle grow' or any other thing on the shelf at the store... I just wasn't sure how to go about it!! Could you post some of your information on your blog??